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Stage Makeup: The Actor's Complete Guide to Today's Techniques and Materials

Author Laura Thudium

Format Paperback

Publisher Back Stage Books

Category Acting and Theater

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Whether you are an actor in a summer-stock or regional theater, an acting conservatory program, a high-school or college production, a community theater, a local holiday pageant...or anywhere else, this is the best all-purpose "how-to" guide to makeup for the theater. Besides period makeup, age makeup, and special-effects applications, the book delves into fantasy makeup, animal faces, and other kinds of stylization found on the contemporary stageand with the use of the most up-to-date materials. Explaining all the basic techniques the actor needs, the author offers tips on putting together a personal makeup kit, analyzing one's own facial features, creating a picture file, caring for one's skin, and using a color-mixing chart. Here, then, is the most complete makeup resource - for students, for amateur groups, for everyone performing on today's stage, and at any level.


Laura Thudium

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1999-04-01
  • Publisher: Back Stage Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780823088393

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