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The Secret Zoo

Author Bryan Chick

Format Paperback

Publisher Greenwillow Books

Category Jr. Fiction

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Something strange is happening at the Clarksville City Zoo. Late at night, monkeys are scaling the walls and searching the neighborhood� but what are they looking for? Noah, his sister Megan, and their best friends, Richie and Ella, live next door to the zoo. Megan is the first to notice the puzzling behavior of some of the animals. One day Megan disappears, and her brother and their friends realize it's up to them to find her. Their only choice is to follow a series of clues and sneak into the zoo. But once inside, will they discover there's much more to the Clarksville City Zoo than they could ever have guessed?


Bryan Chick

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-12-28
  • Publisher: Greenwillow Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780061987519

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