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Precursor (Series Starter, Foreigner #4)

Author J. Cherryh

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher DAW

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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National best-selling author and winner of three Hugo Awards, C.J. Cherryh returns to the universe of her acclaimed Foreigner trilogy-with an epic tale of the survivors of a lost spacecraft stranded on a planet inhabited by a hostile, sentient race. The beginning of a second trilogy, Precursor follows a single human delegate living among aliens, who are just gaining access to space....Praise for Precursor..."An addition to Cherryh's superior alien-contact series...Another intriguing human/alien struggle."-Kirkus Reviews"A powerful look at the effects of alienation on individuals and societies."-Locus ...and C.J. Cherryh's Foreigner Universe:"Superlatively drawn aliens and characterization...a return to the anthropological science fiction in which [Cherryh] has made such a name is a double pleasure."-Chicago Sun-Times"An incisive study-in-contrast of what it means to be human."-Library Journal


J. Cherryh

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2000-10-01
  • Publisher: DAW
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780886779108

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