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Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon

Author Charles Spurgeon

Format Hardcover

Publisher Barbour Books

Category Charles Spurgeon

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Here's strong Bible teaching that's fun to read! This 1,400-page collection of the best of Charles Spurgeon provides a wonderful overview to the man called The Prince of Preachers. The Baptist minister spoke to thousands each week in nineteenth-century London, and his sermons and books still have a fresh, encouraging, and challenging power. Featuring scores of Spurgeon's sermons, plus complete books like All of Grace and John Ploughman's Talks, The Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon has been lightly updated for ease of reading. This beautiful hardback is a must-have for under $25.


Charles Spurgeon

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Barbour Books
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781602603875

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