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My Name is Evil (The Nightmare Room #3)

Author Stine

Format Paperback

Publisher HarperCollins

Category Jr. Fiction

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You hold in your hand the key to a shadow world of shivers and screams. Take a step away from the safe, comfortable world you know. Unlock the door to terror. There's always room for one more in...The Nightmare Room.Say Happy Birthday to Maggie O'Connor. She's that shy, pretty girl standing outside the fortune-teller's tent. Maggie and her friends came to the carnival for fun. But Maggie won't be celebrating for long. The old woman who reads her palm will soon have Maggie scraming in horror. Because Maggie hasn't really entered a fortune-teller's tent. She has stepped into The Nightmare Room.



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2000-10-31
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780064409018

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