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The Answer Is in Your Bloodtype: Research Linking Your Blood Type and How It Affects Your Life Span, Love and Compatibility, Your Likely Illness Profile, Diet & Exercise for Maximum


Author Steven Weissberg

Format Paperback

Publisher Personal Nutrition USA

Category Health

The book content explains the direct link between ABO blood types of people and diet, disease, longevity, and compatibility. It explains what one`s blood reveals about the person, why some people within a family stay healthy and others do not, how to add 20 healthier years to one`s life, why certain common foods are considered poisonous, and how to lose body fat without starving. It also contains menus that are blood type specific per individual, refuting the one-for-all-diet philosophy.


Steven Weissberg

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1999-10
  • Publisher: Personal Nutrition USA
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780967012506
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2175674 Good Warehouse 59-19-2 $7.99 Add to Cart
5009163 Good Fern Park 46-2-6 $6.99 Add to Cart