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Jesus Speaks to Me about the Mass

Author Angela Burrin

Format Hardcover

Publisher Word Among Us Press

Category Kids Christian

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I am Jesus. I'm your friend and I love you. And I'm waiting for you to come to Mass! Jesus loves children and wants to draw close to them during the Mass. In this beautifully illustrated book, Jesus speaks directly to children, explaining the Mass by linking the liturgy to scenes from the Gospels. Reading this book with children will help them understand what is happening when they go to Mass and why Jesus is so happy they are there. Illustrations of objects used at Mass, as well as several prayers for children, are also included. This book can be read before Mass to help prepare children for the celebration or brought to Mass so that children can follow each part of the liturgy. The goal is to help children connect the actions of the Mass with Jesus gift of himself in the Eucharist.


Angela Burrin

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Word Among Us Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781593251826

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