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The Silver Wolf (Series Starter, Legends of the Wolves #1)

Author Alice Borchardt

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Ballantine Books

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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Into decadent Rome of the Dark Ages comes Regeane, an enigmatic young woman distantly related to Charlemagne. But the blood she has inherited from her murdered father makes her much more than a child of royalty. Regeane is a shapeshifter--woman and wolf, hunter and hunted--possessed of preternatural agility and strength, primal memories extending back thousands of years, and senses so keen they can pierce the veil of death itself.Betrothed to a barbarian lord she has never seen, Regeane is surrounded by enemies. But outside the gates of Rome, baying at the moon, there is a mysterious dark wolf whose scent awakens the animal in Regeane. Now, as deadly plots tighten like a noose around her neck, Regeane must fight to live with dignity as the proud creature she is: civilized and savage, partaking of both, yet infinitely more than either . . .


Alice Borchardt

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1999-05-29
  • Publisher: Ballantine Books
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780345423610

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