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Recapture the Wonder: Experience God's Amazing Promise of Childlike Joy

Author Ravi Zacharias

Format Hardcover

Publisher Integrity Publishers

Category Baseball

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DEEP WITHIN ALL OF US IS A LONGING TO RECAPTURE A SENSE OF WONDER, to marvel at the mystery of God and His creation like we did as children. But through the years our capacity for wonder has been stifled by busyness and ambitions, and we have resigned ourselves to explaining away all that once made us grasp in awe. After all, how can we let our hearts believe what our minds tell us is nothing more than childish fantasy? In Recapture the Wonder, author Ravi Zacharias reveals that our heart’s ultimate fulfillment – a life of purpose and meaning – is found in rediscovering and developing our God-given sense of wonder. With profound and often poetic insights, Zacharias shows that we can not only recapture the innocent sense of wonder we once had, but we can experience wonder in its fullest capacity by yielding to God in awe-inspired worship. No matter how weary or cynical we have become, we can allow our minds to embrace the deepest desires of our hearts and experience life as God intended it to be.


Ravi Zacharias

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2003-08-01
  • Publisher: Integrity Publishers
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781591450184

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