If you�re living a perfect, charmed life . . . well, then this book isn�t for you. But if, like the rest of us, you are at times broken, confused, lonely, or scared�if you�re struggling with problems that you think �good Christians� don�t have�then welcome, girlfriend, and pull up a chair! This quirky, friendly, and gut-honest devotional comes straight from the heart of Ellen Miller (CEO, marketing executive, mom, and unapologetic �glorious mess�). Despite the serious struggles she�s faced, Ellen today lives a life of profound joy, and The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends contains 365 days� worth of the principles and philosophies that have gotten her there. There�s no subject she�s afraid to tackle! Her quick, daily doses of encouragement will make you laugh, give you something to look forward to, help you to stay (somewhat!) sane . . . and remind you that you�re never alone.
Ellen Miller
Additional Info
- Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
- Format: Imitation Leather
- ISBN: 9781414373317
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