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Scholastic Discover More: My Body

Author Andrea Pinnington

Format Hardcover

Publisher Scholastic Reference

Category Kids Facts

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Scholastic Discover More is a revolutionary new nonfiction line pairing stunning print books with corresponding interactive digital books that extend the learning online.MY BODY unlocks a free 16-page digital companion book offering even more information, photos, and videos!MY BODY answers children�s questions about their own bodies in an incredibly simple and appropriate way. Each spread is focused on a particular part of the body or movement a child understands. Body actions such as breathing, the food journey, and blood are touched on, as well as fun subjects such as hiccups, earwax, and goosebumps. The simple text is perfect for beginning readers. The photographs provide impact for children less interested in reading with big, bright pictures of the inside and outside of the body.


Andrea Pinnington

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Scholastic Reference
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780545345149

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