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Guia Holman para entender la Biblia


Author Kendell Easley

Format Paperback

Publisher B&H Espanol

Category Spanish Christian

The Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding the Bible is the first of a series of books in The Holman QuickSource Library which is designed to provide sound Bible reference resources in quick, easy-to-use formats that are aesthetically pleasing. Many Bible reference resources are heavy on text and aren�t easily accessible to a new generation of Bible students. Some of those which attempt to have a lighter look, don�t have the solid Bible content that young adults want. The book will have the appearance as a series of web pages and is a welcomed addition to any Spanish product aisle.La Gu�a Holman para entender la Biblia proporciona s�lido material b�blico de consulta en un formato din�mico y est�ticamente agradable. Muchos libros b�blicos de consulta tienen gran cantidad de texto pero no son accesibles para una nueva generaci�n de estudiantes de la Biblia. Algunos materials que intentan tener una apariencia m�s din�mica, no cuentan con el s�lido contenido b�blico que desean los adultos. Este libro combina ambos aspectos y tiene la apariencia de una serie de p�ginas Web.


Kendell Easley

Additional Info

  • Publisher: B&H Espanol
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780805428414
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2156831 Good Fern Park 15-12-3 $14.99 Add to Cart