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The Global Flood: A biblical and scientific look at the catrastrophe that Changed the earth (Pocket Guide To... (Answers in Genesis))

Author Ken Ham

Format Paperback

Publisher Answers in Genesis

Category Creationism

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Can we really believe the biblical account of a global flood? Is there evidence in the earth that confirms the biblical account? How was Grand Canyon formed? How did fossils of sea shells get on the highest mountains? Filled with concise and powerful answers, this Pocket Guide to the Global Flood answers these and other questions. If the biblical account of a worldwide flood is accurate, the evidence should confirm this earth-changing event. When rightly examined, the rock layers and other evidences solidly support the biblical description of the Genesis Flood. Park of the Answers in Genesis Pocket Guide Series


Ken Ham

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781600922640

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