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Month-by-month Gardening In Florida


Author Tom MacCubbin

Format Paperback

Publisher Cool Springs Press

Category Florida Gardening

Do I prune my hydrangea in the fall or do I wait until early spring?When is it safe to put out tomatoes?Can I divide iris now? If you have ever asked yourself questions like these, Month-by-Month Gardening in Florida is for you. Gardening is a journey, not a destination. The day-by-day gardening experiences – planting a few onion sets in the first warm afternoon of spring the surprises – a purple crocus before the snow has even gone the satisfaction – fresh green beans on the dinner table, or tomatoes, bright and red, safely in quart jars these are the things that keep the gardener coming back year after year. Month-by-Month Gardening in Florida is packed with information that explains what needs to be done and when it needs to be done in the Florida garden. Topics include: The most effective planting techniques. How and when to prune. The best season for fertilizing your lawn. The differences between bare-root, container, and balled-and-burlapped plants. Eleven plant categories, including Annuals, Bulbs, Herbs, Vegetables, Houseplants, Lawns, Perennials, Roses, Shrubs, and Trees. Twelve monthly calendars for each plant category – 132 calendars in all! – that make is easy to find the proper gardening advice. Whatever your gardening interests or the time of year, you can take the guesswork and mystery out of gardening. You will become a more satisfied gardener and your garden will show it!


Tom MacCubbin

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001-07-03
  • Publisher: Cool Springs Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781888608243
  • UPC: 789172082426
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
6028884 Good Warehouse 51-1-1 $7.99 Add to Cart
3543734 Good Fern Park 56-9-1 $9.99 Add to Cart
6093005 Very Good Fern Park 56-9-2 $7.99 Add to Cart