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A Time to Dance (Women of Faith Fiction #1)

Author Karen Kingsbury

Format Paperback

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Christian Fiction

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They celebrated their love with a dance. But will it end in divorce? John and Abby Reynolds were the perfect couple, sharing a love born of childhood friendship and deep family ties. They are envied by their friends, cherished by their children, admired by their peers. But John and Abbey are about to lose it all. On the verge of having an affair, John is no more the man Abby married than she is the long-ago girl of his dreams. They are strangers whose days of dancing seem gone forever. They gather their three children to announce their plans, but before they can speak, their daughter makes an announcement of her own; she's getting married in the summer. Abby and John determine not to ruin their daughter's season of happiness, but as the wedding nears they are haunted by questions. Is the decision they've made irreversible? Are there times when marriage--even the marriage between two people of faith--is truly beyond repair? And is it possible, alone in the moonlight on an old wooden pier, to once more find...a time to dance? Discover the resiliency of boundless love, the power of commitment, and the amazing faithfulness of God in A Time to Dance.


Karen Kingsbury

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-05-17
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781595540416

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