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Revolutionary Parenting Workbook: How to Raise Spiritual Champions

Author George Barna

Format Paperback

Publisher David C. Cook

Category Parenting

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Revolutionary Parenting (Tyndale) was developed from a landmark study of Christian twenty-somethings and the parents who raised them. In this groundbreaking release, author George Barna shared how these fathers and mothers created a lasting legacy of faith in their children.The Revolutionary Parenting Workbook was created to move parents from insight to application. This guide is designed to help any parent raise spiritual champions that will love and serve God into adulthood. Far from a formulaic approach, the workbook and DVD allows readers to create a unique plan for their child.


George Barna

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-01-01
  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781434766991

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