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Explorer (The Mystery Boxes #1)

Format Paperback

Publisher Harry N. Abrams

Category Kids Graphic Novels

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Seven clever stories answer one simple question: what�s in the box? Funny, fantastic, spooky, and suspenseful, each of these unique and beautifully illustrated short graphic works revolves around a central theme: a mysterious box and the marvels�or mayhem�inside. Artists include middle school favorites Kazu Kibuishi, Raina Telgemeier (Smile), and Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy), as well as Jason Caffoe, Stuart Livingston, Johane Matte, Rad Sechrist (all contributors to the groundbreaking comics anthology series Flight), and upcoming artist Emily Carroll.

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781419700095

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