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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Master Techniques: The Essential Guard (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Master Techniques series)

Author Kid Peligro

Format Paperback

Publisher Invisible Cities Press Llc

Category Martial Arts

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The nuances of the guard, the most important position in jiu-jitsu, are covered in this instructional guide that teaches practitioners how to put up an impenetrable defense to any opponent. Showing how a myriad of techniques originate in the guard, including sweeps, reversals, and submissions, these drills demonstrate how small changes in hip position and weight distribution can make the difference between success and failure in submission combat. Extraordinarily detailed with tips from leading black belts and down-to-earth advice on what to think about during a match, this guide is instructive reading for even advanced belts seeking to refine their game.


Kid Peligro

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Invisible Cities Press Llc
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781931229418

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