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40 Fundamentals of English Riding: Essential Lessons in Riding Right (Book & DVD)

Author Hollie McNeil

Format Hardcover

Publisher Storey Publishing, LLC

Category Horses

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Master the 40 basic elements essential to all riders in the classic disciplines of dressage, jumping, and eventing. These fundamentals include correct seat, leg, and hand positions for the rider; the three basic gaits of walk, trot, and canter; how to perform halt and half-halt; how to direct a horse�s movement correctly and energetically; the stages of the training scale (rhythm, looseness, contact, impulsion, straightness, and collection); and how to perform basic schooling figures in the arena, from circles and serpentines to diagonals. Each fundamental is defined and explained in text and photos, with an emphasis on how to avoid common errors, and the book comes with a 90-minute DVD showing action sequences for each fundamental.


Hollie McNeil

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781603427890

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