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The Reformation Study Bible: The Word That Changes Lives - The Faith That Changed the World (NKJV)


Format Hardcover

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Bible

The first Geneva Bible opened the pages of Scripture for all readers and provided helpful notes to assist in the understanding of its central message. The Reformation Study Bible, under the editorial leadership of reformed scholars such as R.C. Sproul and J.I. Packer, offers a modern restatement of Reformation truth for the broad evangelical community. A wonderful resource for anyone who desires to understand the impact the powerful truths of the Reformation have had on today's church. Available in the New King James Version.

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785258520
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
645928 Very Good Fern Park 24-1-4 $124.99 Add to Cart