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Research Methods and Statistics

Author Bernard Beins

Format Hardcover

Publisher Pearson

Category Anthropology and Sociology

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Thinking critically about research and data analysis Beins and McCarthy present a seamless introduction to statistics and research methods, identifying different research areas and how one approaches them statistically. The text is designed for a one- or two-semester combined course in Statistics and Research Methods/Experimental Psychology. It helps students develop critical thinking skills about research and data analysis they see in the news and to evaluate claims people make based on that research. Teaching & Learning Experience Personalize Learning � The new MySearchLab with eText delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning. Improve Critical Thinking � The entire text helps students develop critical thinking skills about research and data analysis they see in the news and to evaluate claims people make about research. Engage Students � �Living� research examples, as well as a Lab Manual and eText within MySearchLab capture student interest. Explore Research � In-text research examples and a lab manual included in MySearchLab help engage students in the research process. Support Instructors � MyTest, PowerPoints, and an instructor�s manual offer additional support for instructors. Note: MySearchLab with eText does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab with eText, please visit: www.mysearchlab.com or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MySearchLab with eText (at no additional cost).


Bernard Beins

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Pearson
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780205624096

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