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Extraordinary Faith: God's Perfect Gift for Every Woman's Heart

Author Sheila Walsh

Format Hardcover

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Christian Living

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Whether or not you know or even understand it, you are living a life of faith. Perhaps not the conventional, Christian ideal of faith, but faith nonetheless. You flip the light switch and have faith that the light will come on. You turn the key and expect the engine to start. But what about the big things in life? Do you have faith that you'll remain healthy? Faith that your children will be safe from violence? We all face situations that we cannot control. All we can do is trust-and have faith-that God will see us through.Rather than a complicated, theological enigma, Sheila Walsh explains that faith is a simple, life-giving gift God offers His children. And since it is a gift, He expects us to share it-to give it away. By sharing biblical and modern examples of women of faith, Sheila opens our eyes to the extravagant gift God has for each of us.


Sheila Walsh

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-02-03
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780785262916

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