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His Princess Bride: Love Letters from Your Prince

Author Sheri Shepherd

Format Hardcover

Publisher Revell

Category Baseball

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In His Princess: Love Letters from Your King, beloved author Sheri Rose Shepherd helped women understand just how much their Father in Heaven loves them. Now she reveals to them how to enter into a passionate relationship with the lover of their souls. Any woman who has been yearning for her Lord--her Prince--to whisper the sacred secrets of eternity to her through his Word will thrill to discover His Princess Bride. In this life-giving book, Shepherd shares with readers fifty love letters from their Prince. These loving and affirming messages will show readers in vivid detail the unquenchable love their Prince has for them and how they fit into the family of God. Readers will also find fifty prayers that will help them put into words the love and devotion they long to express to their Lord. Gorgeous packaging and four-color interior design make this a perfect gift to connect the hearts of women to the heart of Christ.


Sheri Shepherd

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-02-01
  • Publisher: Revell
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780800719159

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