Slavic Myth When the thread had unrolled Marusia began to follow its path. Down the lane and across fields and ditches it took her- then passed straightunder the bolted door of a church. Marusia climbed up a convenient window to discover what was going on inside- and nearly fell down in fright. before the altar in a open coffin a body had been laid out for a funeral the next day. There knelt her lover, calmly eating the corpse. Marusia meant to steal secretly away, but in her panic she slipped and fell noisily to the ground. Plunging headlong across the fields, she arrived home safely, still fearful that she might have been seen.
Charles Phillips
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2003
- Publisher: Barnes & Noble
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9780760739327
Condition |
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Shelf |
Price |
1888220 |
Very Good
Warehouse |
70-8-5 |
$7.99 |
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