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How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life

Author Tom Rath

Format Hardcover

Publisher Gallup Press

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How did you feel after your last interaction with another person? Did that person-your spouse, best friend, coworker, or even a stranger -fill your bucket" by making you feel more positive? Or did that person "dip from your bucket," leaving you more negative than before? The number one New York Times and number one Business Week bestseller, How Full Is Your Bucket? reveals how even the briefest interactions affect your relationships, productivity, health, and longevity. Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket, and grounded in 50 years of research, this book will show you how to greatly increase the positive moments in your work and your life-while reducing the negative. Filled with discoveries, powerful strategies, and engaging stories, How Full Is Your Bucket? is sure to inspire lasting changes and has all the makings of a timeless classic.


Tom Rath

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-08-10
  • Publisher: Gallup Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781595620033

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