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The Quest for Character

Author John MacArthur

Format Hardcover

Publisher Thomas Nelson

Category Christian Living

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You're a real jewel. It's the truth! You're a holy treasure buried in the wilderness of this world and John MacArthur wants to take you on an excursion to unearth your heaven-sent value. That's where The Quest for Character begins.> In an easy, conversational style, MacArthur focuses on dozens of character traits formed as you interact with others. Quick-read chapters examine discernment, purity, courage, passion, humility, sincerity, accountability, devotion, integrity, selflessness, resiliency, generosity, and more. Adults as well as teens will enjoy this innovative approach to building a more Christlike character and learning to live a richer life on earth. Start now to gather your treasure for Jesus. Come on…take The Quest!


John MacArthur

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-05-10
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781404100497

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