C.S. Lewis in his time was a teacher, a scholar, a public speaker, a writer, a friend, a man of simple tastes; above all, he was a man surrendered to God. His legacy is a rich one: in his books we find a winsome and creative personality who was unswerving in his commitment to orthodoxy, and whose tremendous intellect was wedded not only to his reason but to a powerful imagination (for it was in his flights of literary fantasy that his deepest perceptions of God were birthed). This book is a finely crafted introduction to the character and works of a man who was a true 'defender of the faith' both in his creation of Aslan and the Land of Narnia and in his non-fiction apologia.
Terry Glaspey
Additional Info
- Release Date: 1996-09
- Publisher: Cumberland House
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9781888952216
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