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Treasury of Great Poems: An Inspiring Collection of the Best-Loved, Most Moving Verse in the English Language

Author Louis Untermeyer

Format Hardcover

Publisher BBS Publishing Corporation

Category Poetry

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This classic collection, long recognized as one of the most widely read and comprehensive anthologies of poetry in the English language, offers more than 1,300 pages containing nearly 1,000 poems by almost 200 poets. Beginning with the earliest English ballads and selections from the King James Version of the Bible, the book continues with the immortal works of Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Pope, Whittier, Poe, Tennyson, and many others, concluding with an outstanding array of 20th-century poetry by such luminaries as Wallace Stevens, Dylan Thomas, and Marianne Moore. Louis Untermeyer--the renowned critic, biographer, and teacher who edited this remarkable work--is said to have introduced more poets to readers and more readers to poetry than any other American. Treasury of Great Poems is indexed by poet, poem and first lines.


Louis Untermeyer

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1994-09
  • Publisher: BBS Publishing Corporation
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780883657966

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