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I Am with You Always: Experiencing God in Times of Need

Author Chip Ingram

Format Paperback

Publisher Baker Books

Category Christian Living

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The Psalms are full of ordinary people in desperate situations who learned to trust God for strength and guidance. Through the Psalms, readers, too, can find the help they need, whether they¹re struggling with day-to-day problems or overwhelming hardship. I Am with You Always expands on well-known chapters in Psalms, pointing to a God who is and has always been a shelter, a safe place where needy people can take refuge. With wisdom and a keen ability to apply biblical truth to everyday problems, Chip Ingram describes God as a watchful shepherd, a mighty fortress, a loving creator, and more. These images, drawn from the Psalms, reveal God¹s true nature and desire to care for his people in a way that no earthly person can. Ingram also uses personal stories and real-life examples to illustrate how God works in times of need. Readers new to the faith or those seeking a relationship with God, as well as deeply rooted believers, lay ministers, pastors, and others, will discover that the Lord is faithful to hear their cries when they are hurting. Whatever their distress‹whether they¹re gripped by fear, going through a crisis, or feeling troubled or depressed‹the Lord is an ever-present haven who offers shelter, and I Am with You Always points readers toward the one who longs to comfort them.


Chip Ingram

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2004-04-01
  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801064982

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