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Quotable Walt Disney

Author Tk

Format Paperback

Publisher Disney Editions

Category Quotations

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Walt Disney's animated characters moved across the silver screen with the grace of fine actors. His vision revolutionized everything from television to theme parks. But this book is perhaps the preeminent aspect of his legacy - his philosophies and his dreams. Each anecdote lends sometimes simple, sometimes profound observations on life and all of its triumphs and defeats. The quotes in this charming volume range from the well known to the obscure. Within the pages of Quotable Walt Disney are anecdotes that not only teach important lessons but also illuminate one of America's greatest creative geniuses. It is the perfect book to uplift, enlighten, and inspire.



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001-04-23
  • Publisher: Disney Editions
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780786853328

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