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Rakkety Tam: A Tale from Redwall

Author Brian Jacques

Format Paperback

Publisher Firebird

Category Jr. Fiction

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There has never been a Redwall hero quite like Rakkety Tam, the roguish Highlander squirrel who sets off for Mossflower Wood on a mercenary errand and loses his heart to the charms of Redwall Abbey. And there's never been a villain quite like Gulo the Savage: a vicious beast-eating wolverine who descends upon the Abbey in search of a relic called the Walking Stone. Readers will cheer at the return of the Long Patrol, the antics of a renegade vole thief, and the emergence of a new champion to wield the sword of Martin. As fans of Brian Jacques and Redwall know, the adventures just keep getting bigger and bigger.


Brian Jacques

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-09-21
  • Publisher: Firebird
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780142406830

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