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Moby Dick: Or the Whale

Author Herman Melville

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Tor Classics

Category Classic Fiction

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Tor Classics are affordably-priced editions designed to attract the young reader. Original dynamic cover art enthusiastically represents the excitement of each story. Appropriate "reader friendly" type sizes have been chosen for each title—offering clear, accurate, and readable text. All editions are complete and unabridged, and feature Introductions and Afterwords.This edition of Moby-Dick includes a Foreword, Biographical Note, and Afterword by R.L. Fisher.When a wandering sailor looking to be hired onto a whaling ship finds himself on the Pequod, little does he know the dire fate that awaits him and his crewmates. For the ship's captain, Ahab, is slowly going insane. Having lost a leg in an ill-fated harpoon attack against a fearsome white whale many years before, Ahab vows his revenge against Moby Dick--a vow that has become Ahab's deadly obsession.After many months at sea, Moby Dick is spotted, and Ahab engages the crew in relentless pursuit. Ahab will stop at nothing to kill the beast...even if it means his own death--and the death of all his crew.Can Ahab be stopped before it is too late? Or will the Pequod--and all its crew--perish in the silent depths of the sea...?


Herman Melville

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1996-04-15
  • Publisher: Tor Classics
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780812543070

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