A GIFT TO BE SHARED-GOD'S WAY. You know what sex is. You've heard other kids joking about it, and maybe you've seen actors talking about it on TV. But you probably still have some questions, and that's great-because What's the Big Deal? was written to help kids like you, ages 8-11, find the answers you need. What's the Big Deal? explains the basic facts about sex and such related issues as: 1) Why God made adults so that they want to have sex; 2) Why God designed sex to be shared only within marriage; 3) What God actually says about sex in the Bible; 4) The amazing changes ahead of you during puberty; and 5) How to respond when you feel sexual pressure from peers, TV shows, movies, and magazines. Your parents will read this book with you or discuss it with you as you read it on your own. They'll answer any leftover questions you might have and help you understand what a beautiful and exciting gift from God your sexuality is meant to be. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Chapter 1: What's the Big Deal? Chapter 2: Why Do People Do That? Chapter 3: Sex Outside of Marriage Chapter 4: What Does God Really Say About It? Chapter 5: The Changes of Puberty Chapter 6: But Why Can't I Do That? Chapter 7: What Is AIDS? Chapter 8: What Does Gay Mean? Chapter 9: God's Response to Wrong Chapter 10: What Is a Period? Chapter 11: What Is Sexual Abuse? Chapter 12: Growing Up
Brenna Jones
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2007-02-16
- Publisher: NavPress
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9781600060168
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