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New Mom's Guide to Dealing with Dad, The (The New Mom's Guides)

Author Susan Wallace

Format Paperback

Publisher Revell

Category Parenting

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New moms run into a host of new challenges once baby arrives, including getting back into shape, developing a parenting style, readjusting schedules, and interacting with their husbands in new ways. With compassion and humor--and always the privilege of motherhood in mind--The New Mom's Guides go straight to the heart of these matters, offering moms guidance and encouragement in this new season of life. Each of the four books in the series offers real advice from women who have been there, done that, and want other moms to benefit from their trials and triumphs. A perfect gift for baby showers, Mother's Day, or any day, these small volumes are compact enough to take along in an overstuffed diaper bag and designed for the mom who can only find a few minutes of peace each day to read.


Susan Wallace

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-01-01
  • Publisher: Revell
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780800733001

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