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The Missional Mom: Living with Purpose at Home & in the World

Author Helen Lee

Format Paperback

Publisher Moody Publishers

Category Parenting

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We all must seek to be missional in our life journey. The evangelical subculture, however, tends to reduce the domain of the Christian mom to that inside the walls of her house. But the reality is that today's Christian moms come from a full range of personal and professional context, whether they are homemakers, full-time in the marketplace, or somewhere in between. Numerous Christian mothers today are living missional lives, using their gifts and abilities to further God's kingdom by engaging the world around them. They artfully, passionately, sometimes messily, juggle multiple callings and demonstrate in their modern day contexts how they are emulating the woman of noble character in Proverbs 31. The Missional Mom will affirm Christian mothers who desire to not only to build their homes in a Christ-like way, but engage the world with their skills, abilities, and interests. It won't minimize the importance of a woman's role in her home but it will encourage her to not ignore the stirrings God has planted within her to extend her influence.


Helen Lee

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-01-01
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780802437860

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