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Author James Rollins

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Harper

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction Mass Market

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Travel To The Bottom Of The Earth...to place you never dreamed existed.Beneath The Ice...a hand-picked team of specialists makes its way toward the center of the world. They are not the first to venture into this magnificient subterranean labyrinth. Those they follow did not return.Over The Rocks...Across The Yawning Caverns...Beyond The Black River...You are not alone.Into The Darkness...where breathtaking wonders awaits you -- and terrors beyond imaging...Revelations that could change the world -- things that should never be disturbed...At The Bottom Of The Earth Is The Beginning.Keep Moving...toward a miracle that cannot be...toward a mystery older than time.


James Rollins

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1999-06-01
  • Publisher: Harper
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780380792641

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