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Florida Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff

Author David Grimes

Format Paperback

Publisher Globe Pequot

Category Florida Guides

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Everybody's heard of Walt Disney World, Weeki Wachee, and the Miami Dolphins, but what about the Tito Gaona Trapeze Academy, Frosty the roller-skating cockatoo, and Big Daddy Don Garlitt's drag racing museum? In Florida Curiosities, popular humor columnist David Grimes and coauthor Tom Becnel reveal what even lifelong Floridians may not know--or want to know!--about their state. From swamp cabbage festivals and conch shell blowing contests to walking catfish, "The Booger," and Snooty the bachelor manatee, residents and visitors alike will discover the many fascinating elements of Florida's curious underside with this laugh-out-loud guide.


David Grimes

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2002-10
  • Publisher: Globe Pequot
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780762723652

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