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A Wrinkle In Time

Author Madeleine Lengle

Format Paperback

Publisher Quality Paperback Book Club

Category Jr. Fiction

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With very special cover illustrations by Peter Sís and an introduction in each novel by the author, this boxed set of Madeleine L'Engle's modern-day classic series in paperback is much welcome! L'Engle challenges concepts of time, space, and the power of good over evil in each of her four riveting novels. Sís's original new cover illustrations capture the hopeful innocence of the characters and the quirky cosmic tensions of the universe. In her introduction, L'Engle writes, "What a delight to see these beautiful new covers for the Time Quartet. It is another indication that stories have a life of their own, and that they say different things to different people at different times. And it is an affirmation that story is true and takes us beyond the facts into something far more real." The handsome paperback set includes the 1963 Newbery Medal winner, A Wrinkle in Time, plus A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, which won the American Book Award, and Many Waters. Every young reader should experience L'Engle's captivating contribution to children's literature. (Ages 9 and older) --Emilie Coulter


Madeleine Lengle

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Quality Paperback Book Club
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780965846844

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