For the first time, you can find every promise from Gods Word about your financial life in one handy resource. The Complete Personalized Promise Bible on Financial Increase is a simple yet potent tool to unleash the power of faith and prayer in your life right nowand to receive the financial blessings God has for you today. Youll find every Bible promise on finances along with a powerful declaration of faith and a conversational prayer for you to speak directly from your heart to the heart of God. What are the results from praying Gods promises over your financial life? You naturally draw nearer to Him in a more loving and trusting relationship with Himand Gods Word on finances becomes so rooted in your spirit that you always have a source of wisdom, encouragement, and power, no matter how difficult your situation may seem at the moment. Discover Gods Word for you on Debt Generosity Success Investing Saving Crises Budgeting Greed Ministry and more!
James Riddle
Additional Info
- Release Date: 2006-02-08
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9781577947790
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