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John Williamson Nevin: High-Church Calvinist (American Reformed Biographies)

Author G. Hart

Format Hardcover

Publisher P & R Publishing

Category Christian Biography

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Nevin (1803-1886) taught at Mercersburg Seminary when he wrote The Anxious Bench (1843) and The Mystical Presence (1846), volumes dealing with revivalism and the Lord's Supper, respectively. The last ten years have seen a revival of interest in this theologian, who was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and who substituted for Charles Hodge during his two-year study-leave in Europe. Hart gives readers insights into Nevin's critique of the revivalist tradition and shows how it applies today, demonstrating the ongoing relevance of this nearly forgotten theologian.


G. Hart

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-08
  • Publisher: P & R Publishing
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780875526621

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