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Sock Monkey: A Children's Book

Author Tony Millionaire

Format Paperback

Publisher Dark Horse

Category Jr. Fiction

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Tony Millionaire's Eisner-award winning, multi-Harvey-Award nominated Sock Monkey returns in his first-ever full-length book! A mix of comics and illustrated text, this book tells the tale of Uncle Gabbie the Sock Monkey's origins and how he came to live with the little girl, Ann Louise. Have you ever wondered why Sock Monkey seems so creepy and lovable at the same time? Well here's the answer! From the darkest jungles of Borneo into the tall mansions of Massachusetts comes the woolen monkey, bringing nightmares and cuddly dreams to everyone he encounters. There are stories to be told of musty smells from sea chests in the attic, creaking stairs, and something in the solarium where the orchids grow under their dewy glass jars! `I have finally written the children's book I always wanted to find behind the walls of my grandmother's back staircase,` says Millionaire, `Maybe it's a story I remembered, maybe I dreamed it, but whatever it was, it took place a long time ago.`


Tony Millionaire

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2001-11-02
  • Publisher: Dark Horse
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781569715499

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