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Lacey Chabert
Mary Moore Fullscreen
TV Series
Mary Moore Unknown
Jim Parsons
Christmas DVD
Keith David Fullscreen
Family and Kids
Will Ferrell Blu-ray
Christmas Blu-Ray
Will Ferrell Widescreen
LeVar Burton Fullscreen
Edward Asner Widescreen
Edward Asner Fullscreen
Ben Affleck Widescreen
Actor Lacey Chabert Category Hallmark
Format Fullscreen Actor Mary Moore Category TV Series
Format Unknown Actor Mary Moore Category TV Series
Actor Jim Parsons Category Christmas DVD
Format Fullscreen Actor Keith David Category Family and Kids
Format Blu-ray Actor Will Ferrell Category Christmas Blu-Ray
Format Widescreen Actor Will Ferrell Category Christmas DVD
Format Fullscreen Actor LeVar Burton Category TV Series
Format Widescreen Actor Edward Asner Category Christmas DVD
Format Fullscreen Actor Edward Asner Category Christmas DVD
Format Widescreen Actor Ben Affleck Category Drama