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Books by Arnold Schwartzman

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Measure of a Man


Format Widescreen    Category Christian

Moonrise Kingdom


Format Blu-ray Actor Bruce Willis    Category Comedy Blu-Ray

Big Eyes [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Amy Adams    Category Drama Blu-Ray

Moonrise Kingdom


Format Widescreen Actor Bruce Willis    Category Comedy

Funny People


Format Widescreen Actor Adam Sandler    Category Comedy



Format Widescreen Actor Jason Schwartzman    Category Comedy



Format Widescreen Actor Nicole Kidman    Category Comedy

Funny People [Blu-ray]


Format Blu-ray Actor Adam Sandler    Category Comedy Blu-Ray

Saving Mr. Banks


Format Blu-ray Actor Emma Thompson    Category Family and Kids Blu-Ray

Big Eyes


Format Widescreen Actor Amy Adams    Category Drama

The Darjeeling Limited


Format Widescreen Actor Owen Wilson    Category Comedy