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Justification and Regeneration (Expanded Edition)


Author Charles Leiter

Format Paperback

Publisher Granted Ministries

Category Theology

What's new: The author has added a much needed appendix answering frequently asked questions about the content of the book. Original DescriptionWhat does the Bible mean when it says that Christians have died to sin? How is it possible for a just God to justify the ungodly without becoming unjust Himself? What is regeneration? What is justification? Why do all men desperately need to be justified? If I have died to sin, why am I still affected by it? As a Christian, am I the new man or he old man or both? What does the Bible mean when it says that Christians have died to the Law? Are Christians still slaves to sin? The answers to these and many other questions become clear once we gain a Biblical understanding of justification and regeneration. These two great miracles lie at the very heart of the gospel, yet even among genuine Christians they are surrounded by confusion and ignorance. This book attempts to set forth in clear Biblical light the nature and characteristics of justification and regeneration that God may be glorified and His children brought to know more fully the liberty that is theirs in Christ.


Charles Leiter

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Granted Ministries
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780981732152
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2172596 Very Good Fern Park 11-13-7 $7.99 Add to Cart