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Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction 2: Build a Secret Agent Arsenal


Author John Austin

Format Paperback

Publisher Chicago Review Press

Category Hobbies

Culling common household items to create an uncommon arsenal of miniature gadgets and sidearms, this guidebook provides do-it-yourself spy enthusiasts with 35 different surveillance tools and weapons. From a mini-catapult in a breath-mint tin to milk-jug cap blow-dart wristwatches, this handbook details how to achieve clandestine ends practically and inexpensively. In addition to creating weapons such as periscopes, bionic ears, and grappling hooks, spies-to-be will find ideas on how to hide their stash—a deck of cards, a false-bottom soda bottle, or a cereal box-brief case—and tips for target practice. Clear diagrams and instructions make construction simple, while easy-to-follow safety tips help ensure DIY builders avoid injuries. Projects include a paper throwing star, a bowler hat launcher, and a Q-pick blow gun.


John Austin

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Chicago Review Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781569767160
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
7026870 Very Good Fern Park 56-7-3 $7.99 Add to Cart
3532080 Very Good Warehouse 57-18-6 $9.99 Add to Cart