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A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century


Author Oliver DeMille

Format Hardcover

Publisher George Wythe College Press

Category Education

This completely update and revised Anniversary Classis Edition includes significant new material in addition to essential Thomas Jefferson Education Concepts including: -The 7 Keys of Great Teaching -The 4 Phases of Learning -The 5 Environments of Mentoring -Tips for Professional Educators -How to apply Thomas Jefferson Education in a homeschool -Teaching the classoscs of math, science, history, the arts, etc. -Thomas Jefferson Education in college and careers. From inside the book jacket: "As a high school teacher and administrator, I have yearned for a different approach to learning; and Oliver DeMille shows us how education should really take place - with classics and mentors, where students must dig it out for themselves with a little guidance. It may take a whole generation to throw off the bad habits, but let's get started." - Earl Taylor, Principal, Heritage Academy, Charter High School. "I felt like I was reading the 'Common Sense' of the Twenty-first Century, the book that will shape the minds of the leaders." - Tiffany Earl, Homeschooling Mother, Founder of Leadership Education Methods Institute. New Chapters in this lovely hardback book complete with a dustjacket and ribbon bookmark are: Chapter One: Two Towers Chapter Six: Great Teaching Epilogue: A New Golden Age?


Oliver DeMille

Additional Info

  • Publisher: George Wythe College Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780967124629
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
6085008 Very Good Fern Park 8-5-5 $7.99 Add to Cart