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Spiritual Formation: A Wesleyan Paradigm


Author Diane Leclerc

Format Paperback

Publisher Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City

Category Theology

There is an increased interest in spirituality in our world¾ lately, people have a deep hunger and thirst towards something that transcends them. In Spiritual Formation, Maddix and LeClerc provide a definition of Christian spiritual formation within the Wesleyan paradigm and how faithful disciples can grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. In simple terms, this book explains that Spiritual formation refers to the transformation of people into, what C.S. Lewis calls, little Christs. The book focuses on how people can grow in Christlikeness by participating in reading of Scripture, the means of grace, the sacraments, and spiritual disciplines. It also provides guidance in matter of self care, spiritual direction, and mentoring, while displaying practical guidelines for adolescents, families, and college students.


Diane Leclerc

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780834126138
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
7033862 Very Good Fern Park 12-6-3 $9.99 Add to Cart