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Overcoming Sin and Temptation


Author John Owen

Format Paperback

Publisher Crossway Books

Category Puritans

The writings of John Owen are a challenge to any reader, to say the least. His intricacy and complexity are intimidating and his language is downright befuddling at times. However, the depth of thought and the immense value of Owen’s works cannot be quantified. His three classic works on sin and temptation are profoundly helpful to any believer who seeks to become more like Jesus Christ. In this volume, the editors have made updates to the language, translated the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew and footnoted difficult or unknown phrases, all without sacrificing any of the wonderful content of Owen’s work. It is a uniquely accessible edition of John Owen’s previously daunting work. “The editors of this volume have worked hard to make Owen’s unrivalled insight into the Christian’s inner war with sin accessible to all, and the result is truly a godsend.” J. I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College “To read Owen is to mine spiritual gold. Unfortunately, as in mining, reading Owen is hard work. Now, Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor have made Owen’s work accessible to modern readers while still retaining his unique writing style.” Jerry Bridges, Navigators Community Ministries Group “With brilliant editorial efforts and insightful introductions by Kapic and Taylor, John Owen’s magnificent treatises on sin and sanctification have been made available for a new generation.” David S. Dockery, President, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee “Sin is tenacious, but by God’s grace we can hate it and hunt it. John Owen provides the master guide for the sin-hunter. Kapic and Taylor bring together three of Owen’s classics, clarifying them in simple ways—but all the substance, the careful, hounding arguments are still there.” Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. “John Owen understood how the gospel makes us well. Three cheers for Kapic and Taylor for introducing a new generation to Owen’s peerless works.” Sinclair B. Ferguson, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C. “John Owen is a spiritual surgeon with the rare skill to cut away the cancer of sin and bring gospel healing to the sinner’s soul. Apart from the Bible, I have found his writings to be the best books ever written to help me stop sinning the same old sins.” Philip Graham Ryken, Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia “No writer has taught me more about the dynamics of the heart and the deceitfulness of sin than John Owen. Read this book carefully; it will help you understand your heart and experience God’s grace.” C. J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries, Gaithersburg, Maryland


John Owen

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-09-25
  • Publisher: Crossway Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781581346497
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770042 Very Good Fern Park 11-24-4 $9.99 Add to Cart