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History Books

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author Jon Latimer    Category African History

Jane Austen's England


Format Hardcover Author Roy Adkins    Category English History

Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage


Format Paperback Author William Katz    Category Native American

The Third Reich at War


Format Paperback Author Richard Evans    Category Nazi History

Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial


Format Hardcover Author Joseph Persico    Category Holocaust

History of Us (11 Volume Set)


Format Paperback Author Joy Hakim    Category United States History

The Temple and the Lodge


Format Paperback Author Michael Baigent    Category Secret Societies

Sharing Good Times


Format Hardcover Author Jimmy Carter    Category Presidents

George Washington: Citizen Soldier


Format Paperback Author Ch Wall    Category Presidents

Bess W Truman


Format Hardcover Author Margaret Truman    Category Presidents

The Oxford History of Britain


Format Paperback    Category English History

Templars in America


Format Hardcover Author Tim Wallace-Murphy    Category Secret Societies

History of Britain and Ireland


Format Paperback Author Dk Publishing    Category English History

My Early Life: 1874-1904


Format Paperback Author Winston Churchill    Category English History



Format Hardcover Author Press Association    Category United States History