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History Books

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One Girl One Dream


Format Paperback Author Laura Dekker    Category Exploration

The Spanish Armadas


Format Hardcover Author Winston Graham    Category European History

Stalin: A New History


Format Paperback    Category Russian History

Pictorial History of the Wild West


Format Hardcover Author James D. Horan    Category Old West

The Gunfighters (Old West)


Format Hardcover    Category Old West

1936 The Enchanted Voyage


Format Hardcover Author Robert Nathan    Category Exploration

Israel: The First Forty Years


Format Hardcover    Category Middle East History

Beyond Chindwin


Format Hardcover Author Bernard. Fergusson    Category Exploration

The wild green earth


Format Hardcover Author Bernard. Fergusson    Category Exploration

Irish Classics


Format Hardcover Author Declan Kiberd    Category Irish and Scottish History

A. Lincoln: A Biography


Format Paperback Author Ronald White    Category Presidents